
Reach New People And Grow Your Product Sales In 2023

Product marketing is a strategic marketing function that bridges the gap between product management and marketing communications.*1656776825892*1656770976832*divider*svg?alt=media&token=0b439000-2baa-4af7-a064-359bc91e4d31

Strategic Questions

Product marketing addresses five strategic questions:
  • What products will be offered (i.e., the breadth and depth of the product line)?
  • Who will be the target customers (i.e., the boundaries of the market segments to be served)?
  • How will the products reach those customers (i.e., the distribution channel and are there viable possibilities that create a solid business model)?
  • At what price should the products be offered?
  • How should we position the product in the minds of the customer?*1656776828614*1656771556179*4*png?alt=media&token=21bd81ec-44ad-4b4f-ba54-ae8ae428a97a*1656776832424*1656770976832*divider*svg?alt=media&token=70774733-09fa-4bb9-abe5-752a9e3e95da

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